Isn't it such a relief that I can show up 40 minutes early to work every single morning because I'm not out chasing my next high 10 minutes after I roll out of bed
What an achievement that when I hide in the bathroom nobody misses me because 1) I'm not even on the clock and 2) I'm not spending 20 minutes figuring out which of these abused veins will take my ******* with out talking back to me
Doesn't it **** that I'm here again On these tiled floors Cold and sick to my stomach But at least this time my heart's still beating! And every one notices the bright blue tattoo on my forearm before they ever mention the needle point I've been sewing into the crook of my elbow for three years
And it's sad sad sad that I can almost see the look on my best friend's face when she pried my lifeless body off of these same ****** tiles
But today I'm just wishing I was I'm not really high these days So at least it's not that