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Nov 2018
well... there's the fun activity / pastime
of watching paint dry...
or there's the fun activity / pastime
of not watching dry yeast
being added to a concoction of
warm water, olive oil, salt and
                       **** me!
      you've see this?
          i thought i used too little...
   now i'm looking at...
well... dunno...
       cancerous growth,
         a volcano about to explode?
             a hot air-balloon!
i have to concede,
dough, using yeast?
   the funnest dough to fiddle around
with using extra flour...
rolls out like a dream...
a dream of...
a La La Land designated to celebrate;
i was always good at organic
  no wonder cooking feels like
that one experiment we
crafted esters.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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