I like black color and paper boats, elderly people, old homes, month of November, broken dreams, sad stories and deep silence after them...
I like my childhood, honest friends, my bag and old pen, recess at school, old playground and games that time has played with us...
I like the food cooked by my grandmother, cups of tea, pet parrots and the cat, mischievous things which were easy to be forgiven by everyone...
My hometown and its old railway station, the whispered voice, your laughter, storytellers, folklores and true characters hidden in them...
I like these yellow leaves decorating old trees, snowflakes, my old diaries, your old letters, my old scarf, small babies, poetry books and rhymes in them...
The old sky and stars which used to come to see you shining, rainy season, the cold Beijing and its winter nights, Tsinghua Campus... I love them all...
Tsinghua Campus refers to the Tsinghua University Beijing China where I am currently residing.