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Apr 2010
The magnificence of trees
The bumbling of bees

Flowers show grace
I can almost taste

The colors they share
I breathe in that air

Grass holds presence
With stable resonance

Birds sing melodious
Beholding to all of us

Rivers thunderously moving
Their essence behooving

Snowflakes fall like a gentle kiss
Delicate, wondrous and full of bliss

Air is so cleansing
Oceans mesmerizing

Herbs are survivors
Ospreys are divers

Ants are intense
Their strength immense

Clouds drift by
Drawing pictures in the sky

Skies are forever
With all kinds of weather

Mountains have stability
With a sense of humility

Rain is calming
Quietly balming

Deserts are mystical
Winds are whimsical

Sunsets are amazing
Well worth gazing

In awe of mother nature
A wondrous creator

The aliveness it brings
Resonates within

I am grateful for that wonderful gift
Of creating a connection and an inner shift
© Delores Wiltse 2009
Excerpt from Poetic Expressions Awakening Our Inner Dimension
Written by
Delores Wiltse
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