The ellipses I use at the end of phrases hold the world of my thoughts unsaid in those three little dots my life goes unread but what if I said all those words instead?
"If I could be invisible for a day, I'd stand on top of a building and watch the world go by..." before taking the final step and saying goodbye
"I really can't right now..." I'm lying in bed and my mind won't allow me to get up, but I'll see you around
"Nothing new lately..." nothing really at all, too numb to care too numb for life, too numb to share
"I'm better at answering questions than telling..." so please notice something is wrong I've been holding it in far too long
"I get what you're saying..." but somehow I don't believe you when you say life is worth seeing through
"Yeah..." I love you, I miss you, I need help, I tried. I'm sorry, I'm broken, I'm stupid, I'm blind.
I wish that this helped, but it didn't this time but everything is fine...