Here I sit in our two-hundred channel first world where expedient social media has brought together friends from twenty - thirty - fourty years ago
Instant social messaging has precluded mass rallies both lawful and not - started instantly, NHL riots schemed just minutes ahead of scheduled network programming, photos of an infant barely ten breaths old available to grandma’s inbox as quickly as one can “press number sign”.
High definition of high frequency high turn-over television networks for food, cartoons, comedy, westerns, classics, country music and all day ****
Meanwhile here in the now unaptly named “City of Champions” every screen on every television in every bar, pub or club tonight they’re watching the World Championships of Poker.
Edmonton Canada - or any other city. I was in three pubs that night and wanted to watch whatever was on the television, just to pass time. Inevitably, EVERY pub had the World Series of Poker. To me (not just me) the WPT is as ludicrous as television wrestling. From pub to pub I though -- there MUST be something else on. A re-run of Seinfeld or Coronation Street would have been worthwhile. I could run but not hide.