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Dec 2012
why did you leave
without talking to me
I had to hunt you down
in the cyber world,
like some new age cop
in search of a common thief
the cancer took you
they said
you fought well
and did not let the demons of drink
torment you in your final days
those who shared your space
at the end, had names
on their doors
next to yours
but I was with you
at the dawn of man
when we sailed dream ships
through seas of sirens
did you not want me there
while you spoke your last words
while the old dreams
spilled through the soundless air
I could have caught them
before they landed on the ground,
before others trampled on them
because they did not know they were there
did our time, our few moments together
in this long liquid languid
maddening minute, mean nothing
to you
why did you leave without talking to me
I would have listened,
even if you said not a word
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