Exhausted, chasing little people all day at the Small Fry nursery school made me want to come home and take a nap in the afternoon. The second job I wasn’t on my feet, working behind a desk. Typing on a keyboard until my long,
polished nails chipped. Fifteen pounds added on, hugged my already curvy hips. But it was fun dressing up in skirts and high-heeled shoes, fancy blouses with silk buttons, and wearing perfume. When the lay-offs came I stayed home
all day, peering into my refrigerator out of boredom. I put another fifteen pounds on. And added to the last fifteen, I looked like a pudgy, Italian girl all of five foot two in bare feet, with no shoes. This is when I switched from skirts to sweet-pants
and long tees that covered my derrière, almost down to my knees. I was trying to get pregnant. But my ovulation was off. So I went to the fertility doctor. And he gave me some drugs that put another fifteen pounds more on my already-tudball
frame. I was ecstatic; after two cycles I got pregnant! Went and bought baby furniture and cleared out a room. But it wasn’t meant to be and I miscarried. I dove into a deep depression over losing baby Sarah, and ballooned up to one-hundred and seventy-five,
after yet another fifteen pounds were added to my hide. I wouldn’t leave the house. No one saw me that fat. On my small frame I looked a mountain and felt as a wide-end Mack. No one believes me when they see me today how much I struggled with my weight.