The world is bleak, the young die while old live on, fewer and fewer are born, till none survive and its the beginning of the end.
But here, Amidst the chaos, amidst the desperation, amidst the troubles and woes of the world, a significant chance of hope, a woman with child, provides hope to the hopeless.
Months into the process, it seems supernatural, a world of hopelessness, and here the mother to be hides. Kept hidden, kept "safe", extorted, "protected" and then, rescued and led on the necessary mission.
Born in a camp, a slum, a ghetto, those dulcet tones were heard. The infants cries resounded, and hope was then restored.
Such an infant could bring the peoples up from their knees. To resume life as it should be. To ensure that man survives, first it has to survive Man.