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Dec 2012
"Fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of Clay "~  Proclaimed the sign !    In fact,  the sign was surrounded with Neon lights and measured 35' by 80',  sitting so firmly supported above the entrance door to the Store of Stores~  named  ~  "STORE OF PLEASURES AND DELIGHT "   { Members~simply referred to this Giant as  " P L E A S U R E S " .      The Parking lot was full with 52,000  vehicles at 5;30AM~ and the store would open at 6;00 AM  'SHARP".     The people were already in line~ to select and choose the finest of what the store had to offer.  OH,,or even  "***"  the Pleasure  to be  had at "PLEASURES" !  !     Choice after choice of  Bits and Pieces of Clay'  Was what the Crowds were clamoring for~ in Their shopping Frenzy !   No where on Earth could such sweet Delicasies~ such as these could be found.   NO SIR~  when it came to the very best CHOICE  of items "Fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of Clay ",   ONE simply couldn't shop anywhere else~  ONLY~  at " P L E A S U R E S ".     Big,  Small,  Bright and Dull,   color after Color,   shape after Shape,   Long and Narrow,   Tall and Short,   Broad and Narrow~  Every possible  CONCOCTION   of Man's imagination~Was offered up for sale and consumption.    THAT... was  was the Speciality of      " P  L E A S U R E S "~  Whatever was presented from the Mind of Man~ WAS fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of clay at " P L E A S U R E S "~ From dreams and wild thinking  These were  the things offered up for  SALE ! !     From Weird to Plain,  From Gawdy to Drab,   from Elegant to Simple,  from  Bizarre to Mundane...   YES..  Man's Mind when allowed to "Roam-Free'~ would fill the shelves of each Aisle~ Freely Roam the store~ Click in your selection of  those Precious Items of " Bits and Pieces of Clay"~.   Click Approval and PAY...wave thanks to "P L E A S UR E S " as you Leave.   Your selections and an Attendant~ will be waiting at your vehicle~with "YOUR-SELECTION".     *PLEASE VISIT US AGAIN SOON.......for your choices of "BITS and PIECES OF CLAY...."
COPYRIGHT   @2012  by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
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