He who is deprived of water will Drink from the pig's trough and Give thanks. The same is true of Love-make it scarce then where- Ever it is found it will be taken- in Rags or harlots dress it will be Blessed, counted as God's truest Charity. It is in our nature to seek The life in the water we thirst for it To take love where it can be found Be not overly pious about your high Standards of purity such is not for God' children we who are hungry- Thirsty now do believe there are Angels in disguise for Love's sake Is it our place to question Charity Saying I am too good for this? Love is not ours because it loves The perfect but that it must love Even us. Gather ye rose buds while Ye may that you know that love Even your love makes perfect the Eye that sees and what it beholds. For those hungry for love know it Is true: hunger makes good sauce In the desert all water is holy water Pray God that you may know this By Faith and not require the proof. But in the end it will make not a bit Of difference for Love conquers all.