To the chaotic mind all things are doomed to suffer the same fate. Hell is just behind you.
We become like shadows we think we are hidden away but reality is everyone can see you.
All you have to do is click, post, bang.
In the night ninjas come out to play, they steal and cheat with no remorse for the pain they cause.
We build armor and weapons only to have them striped away, a payment for taxes they say.
Our rights are no longer given those too are no longer a priority.
The business man is the leader and the country is no longer a dreamers domain, they stole our stars before they had time to fall. Even our wishes belong to the dollar.
America was built for the dreamers, yet you are lied to, you have nothing to your name; (The bank owns you.)
You have no rights the government steals it from you.
Strangers are allowed to squat in your home, even if you report a break in, good luck. No one will fight for you.
The government would rather you die than protect you from the crime.
They want you to hug your ****** and forgive them for their damages.
There is no true punishment for their damages. They find druggies are more worthy of the prison’s.
Your taxes go down the drain, given too the businesses and criminals who invade your lives and properties. They live freely off your hard work.
I have been thinking about the troubles our government has been displaying. I am sickened by the mockery we see. It’s become a stage for monkey’s and *******’s. I feel like toddlers are running our country.
Our government is more concerned with, How many likes can I get? How many people can I hurt before they ban this post? Look at me I am a free loader you call a government agency. I don’t give a hoot if you are happy or pleased with me, I am going to do whatever I please. Then they gloat about how great they are. I feel the same way about news stations and news casters.
It sickens me so I wrote this poem. You can find the original on my blog here