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Oct 2018
if about a tenth of Afro-Americans
went back to Africa for
a holiday...
                   my my my...
they'd see it as a humbling experience,
i mean: a really really humbling
               i know i do whenever i go
back to Poland to visit my grandparents,
i feel like a sore thumb,
sticking out...
               there's nothing unique in
being stripped of a minority status...
back in England i can play the cognitive
game of solipsism...
it's not a thought experiment,
it's a game...
                solipsism is almost
a membrane "theory": which falls
apart whenever i interact with someone...
solipsism is the more eloquent
description of autism,
a philosophy rather than a medical
           so my suggestion is...
each minority in the anglophone sphere
should go back, with a shovel and dig
up horseradish roots...
    if you identify as this or that
minority group... go back to where
the minority group is a majority...
        oh i'm pretty sure the Afro-Americans
who have enough ***** to go on
holiday to Africa, will find themselves
severely humbled...
                   i know that i am quasi-crippled
whenever i return to my ethnic
origins... nothing special about me...
nothing unique...
            i'm stripped of the complexity
i've made a labyrinth of in the English speaking
         i'm standing in an Edenic pose...
stripped to the focus of, being nothing more
than a unit, a number akin to
the fraction 0.0000000000000000000000001
(if not a bigger elongation).
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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