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Dec 2012
Life can be described in so many different ways
Some describe it as a lemon drop
Sour, bitter, something you hate
Life can be described as an apple
Tempting, but a poison
When you're asked to describe life
You may say pain
You're hurt all the time
By everything, by everyone
Or you may say hate
Love is nowhere to be found
Perhaps dark?
Where's the light?
Silence overtakes you
And you just close your eyes
We all have bitterness,
Some poison, hate, a feel of pain
And darkness in our lives
Things we need to deal with
Think of it this way
If you're going through it
You're strong enough to handle it
The worse your life seems to be
The stronger you are
Yes there'll be pain
But that's life
You can either live, keep your head up
Or suffer through it all
It's your choice
Either way, it's life
Something we all have to face
Rocky G
Written by
Rocky G
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