A day to take shape and quite possibly escape the self-hatred that permeates my cellular structure.
Is it true? Will my cellular make-up be completely renewed within 7 years? Each cell that makes me up now will give way to a new wave of cells garnering total transformation.
I used to answer questions like this because I thought I could answer anything - I still can but I feel like a phony who speaks just to be heard.
I used to think I knew a lot. Now I recognize that I don't know a *******, let alone **** collectively. Ask me, I might answer. Beware of the prefaced statement: " all views are highly subjective
most likely to change dramatically before and after they are forgotten".
If and then. I continue to seek a logical answer to the reason why I don't know anything - but...
Self-hatred, discontent, fear, and ******' Fruity Pebbles. Cocoa Pebbles are good - but lacking the crunchy sweetness of the good ole fruitay pebblays.