Don't bury children in suits Let them wear their favorite clothes Let them wear their favorite basketball jersey The sweats from the college you can't stand That **** sweatshirt that you can never get clean The tire-tracked underwear Let them wear it all Let them wear the clothes you could never get them out of The ones they slept in Played in Dreamed in Just don't bury kids in suits They're not going to a job interview They aren't atoning for a lifetime of sins They're going to the great playground in the sky They need to be able to run around Bury them in overalls In the baseball hat with sweat stains The pants with holes and grass on the their knees The shoes with the souls that flap when they walk Let them wear the straps that the Velcro keeps falling off of and you keep having to put it back on Put it back on Put them in the casket And make them smile with your thumbs They didn't do anything wrong We did We let them down Don't punish them Don't bury them in a suit This is our last chance to do something right for them Bury them with those candy necklaces they used to shoot across class at the girl they liked Give them all their Halloween candy back Fill the grave with hundreds of melting dilly bars Slip them a ring pop Please don't bury them in suits Don't comb their hair Leave the dirt under their finger nails Don't fix their collar Or shine their shoes Let them wear their Victor Cruz jersey
And for those of us lucky enough to live in one of those small towns the whole world doesn't know how to pronounce yet Lucky enough to not live in a dangerous city Lucky enough to trust the locks on our front doors To trust the bus driver To trust our neighbors One more cookie before bed.
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe