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Oct 2018
every time i travel to Warsaw i fall in love,
i stand on the central Warsaw train-station,
and there's this girl checking her
mobile interet, phone,
and she looks pretty...
and... i really don't want to **** her like
the guys **** her in ***** movies...
maybe that''s shy i'm considered
                  i just didn't **** enough women...
or maybe...
i speak the tongue of the crusaders...
but we sent the artillery...
the beautiful women to the Arab
            and kept the nation safe...
Islam, akin to the comparison
of the Bubonic Plague...
Islam... virus of the mind...
    i'll contest thi...
i'll ******* die for this...
i've been feeling weird for the past
few days....
Tom Petty died....
  so... why would anyone give
a **** if Wayne Static
does the coffer?
   so... i'm supposed to care?!
Jeff hanneman died...
but do you see me,
making a case for a ******* parade?!
good... that's how i like it...
******* south London
every single time...
i fall in love with a girl
at the central train-station in Warsaw...
the love dies a sudden death...
when i get to the....
Western train station of Warsaw...

  the Ukrainians et al...
the Mongols...
             love's up,
dead, long gone...
                         i'm basically living
the enterprise in re-experiencing
a slow death...
    feral lands...
  these Polacks are like...
please don't land in Warsaw....
i know...
Krakow has Auschwitz as a tourist
but... but...
you will not see the generic
schematic of globalization...

every time i travel to Warsaw i fall in love,
and then i think of "it"...
****, marriage..
               no thanks,
you have it covered...
                                           on your way;

i might not be on the winning side,
but sure as ****,
i'm also not on the losing side either...
and t think...
that i could even concise my
life within the confines of
imitating my father...

   i could have...
                   but then... life...
isn't exactly a chance on bet within the confines
of a roulette.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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