Twitching fits, A long-term effect that messes with my father's ex-girlfriend One second she's fine, The next, jittering around like crazy All because of an anti-depressant she was once prescribed
Right after I met her And found out this knowledge I was admitted into a psychiatric hospital And prescribed anti-depressants of my own They only made things worse
I soon noticed little ticks That at the time only happened in my arms; But soon it plagued my hands, Running through my fingertips And before I knew it I developed a small issue writing; I often hesitate before I write a letter Glitching for a solid 5 seconds Only creating a small mark over and over
Now I sit here, Plagued with little ticks in my arms, Glitches in my hands and fingertips, And sudden jumps and jolts in my legs
This is an actual issue I now have due to a medication I was prescribed and I really don't know why I decided to write about it but oh well lol. Feel free to share revision ideas :) Feel free to share revision ideas :)