BOO! I’m sorry was that — BOO! OH pardon m— BOO! I’m sorry did I scare you? but how …? I simply walked into the room I’m sorry, we’ve only made eye contact and you're scared? scared of what? I’m not a phantom… I’m not a spirit… I’m not a gh — wait… I get it I see whats happening here I’m black… i scared you because I'm black you're scared of my skin color you're scared of me so you clutch your bag as i walk by you cross the street so you don't have to walk by me you avoid eye contact you kidnapped my people from our country and enslaved them you kept us as property you were scared of us so you made sure we stayed inferior you instated segregation when you thought we would be free when you thought we would come out on top you made sure we weren't equal you made sure the black race was dehumanized you made sure we couldn't get equal education you made sure we couldn't drink from the same water fountains you made sure the people who spoke out were executed you made sure no matter what my people were in constant fear for their lives… no I am neither a ghost nor a ghoul Im black BOO! i scared you because I'm black