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Dec 2012
free-floating, untethered
like a chimney-sweep orphan
it  swirls alone in space
no star nearby, no system to call it home
free, wandering, swaying to a symphony of
embracing silence

there are possibly millions
these drifters, these mavericks, rogues
sub-stellar, not mainstream
no pull on each

not your usual planet
with position, star-bound and mooned
but a maverick, free, solitary
untethered, untethered, indie planet
in no one’s sway
….a maverick, it does it all its own way….
Based on an article entitled: “Astronomers spot a lonely planet with no star of its own” smh, 20 November 2012
Raj Arumugam
Written by
Raj Arumugam  Australia
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