The beast waits deep within no matter the gender nor the age demanding a brief release to feed the hunger felt within these cravings mock civility ingrained rules of society defining who may merge when the masks are fulfilled
ask the gods why this is they’ll reply with a grin it’s not for love or praise though these part of the play instead the race must carry on propagate from two to one or maybe more on the chance that nature blesses with the twins
this is rejected by the beast it cares nothing for the norms now the breadth of humankind is seen as fodder for its lust diversity would satisfy even though the rules deny release from wishes deep within between the legs and in the head
sometimes sated for a time the eternal in a blink when the plunge defies depths touching joy though carnal paths what seems forever does not last even though the sheer delights transcend all measures man beholds to their dogma in written books
that animal we all behold wishing nothing but to be fed within the box or outside the fiend of passion never sleeps burn the incense to appease stimulating to release once it’s fed the worm will relent until it stirs to crave again