The churning *** keeps my family one The fog of delight hides us from the sun A taste of complacence to keep me compliant Frames of despair keep the hallways’ alignment
This battleship lands in Australia for now And burns its own flag along with sundown The captain is weak, the crewmen have perished The telescope frowns when it scans the cherished
The cook yells, “My, with the onions, I cry!” The maid is convinced,by her use of lye, That this is a happy crew of the sea Where everyone’s something to puke except me
I stayed on the bridge with a knife in my eye The pensive maiden disarms with a sigh Here lies the painting of a family brew The mirror, indifferent of me, is true
Metal footsteps of a boy led blind The chef and the captain maintain their grind And thrive in contrivance of a world kept stable Where all the rules lie in the food of a table
The boy has been strung across the bridge, politely And left to a tool of love, coded tightly There is nothing in the night’s facade of blue I’m a ***** to the smell of the ship-crew’s stew