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Oct 2018
did you know that, your lowest
order status,
   of the Hippocratic oath
           your G.P. (general doctor) -
your bureaucratic zombie of
a doctor?

now he can claim mail sent to him,
or her, with the precursor
title of Dr.        ...
but a surgeon?
he or she, gets...
            he's still a
                Mr. or a Mrs. / Ms.
on their mail...

funny... isn't it...
a surgeon graduates from medical
does the grueling jobs,
plays the butcher's game...
and he's not Dr.
    on a letter an addressed
to him, but a, Mr.

but the bureaucratic zombie
of a doctor who's most aligned with
keeping excess receptionists,
and scribbling along his signature
is given an elevated status...

one mark above a *******
but a surgeon is nothing more than
a Herr Metzger...
   meat either way you're
looking at it...
   even dentists are considered
a Dr. and not a Mr.,
   he's or she's a ******* heart surgeon!

vanity fair hierarchy within the medical

               no book deal,
no nothing...
i'm waiting for some slack to be cut
on me...
it's not like i'm  wannabe
American Idol pop star waiting
for the cogs of the machinery to
come together...

                  a ******* shop clerk
receives more respect for the job
than i do...
             i receive the kind
of respect that a bu, receives shelter
from the roof above his head
that's a bridge or a fly-over
in an urban setting...

                as i cited:
regardless son, chose an existential
inquiry into ***** expression,
       and he can't get away from it...
he needs to pay the price
of... seeing his father work
the menial job of a blue collar nature...

mind you...
so if i can't prove someone being
guilty of a crime...
a possible crime...
why am i surrounded by
who... for some reason...
find it so easy,
to accuse me of being mad?!

if this logic serves...
why would a Polish neurologist
say to me after interpreting
an MRI scan say:
if someone says you're mentally ill,
they themselves are
mentally ill...

the the accused can get away with
both a possible ******,
and a false diagnosis?

now that's fun... this is England,
after all...
  the moment someone is
subtly accused,
the accusing party is deemed
mentally ill...
   and the party accused
receives a second blanket of
securing innocence...

                 makes a lot of sense!
on the ground?
you didn't survive a tsunami...
you didn't experience
all the miseries of life...
          but it's not like all
the possible pleasures were
given as readily as
all the inconveniences i was
provided with.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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