“I want to be famous.” Is what I used to tell my parents.
“Why?” They’d ask.
“So people will love me”
Now that is partly true, Who doesn’t want to be accepted and loved by those around them?
I have something else to say.
I don’t only long for the people to love me. I long to stand up for the people who don’t know they’re being taken advantage of. I want to open people’s eyes.
To show them that there is more to life than work, or politics, or who’s dating who, or what the **** the Kardashians are wearing today. There’s beauty in everything, but the media blinds.
I had lost my vision for a while. I’m slowly recovering.
I used to think of material things. Superficialities.
Now I think of how stunning the way the light reflects off of the brightly colored walls of my room. I think of how sad it makes me to see trash littering my city’s roads. I think of my friends on the other side of the world who are doing their own, normal, mundane, beautiful things the very moment I am laying my head down to rest. I think of injustices being shoved into innocent faces. I think of my future and what I plan to do about it.
but I think that little parts of me, Still wish to be loved, no matter how cruel I know this world to be.
I still secretly want to become famous. Not to have millions of screaming fans, but to share with other people. It’s another reason why I’m learning another language. Sharing is a passion I didn’t think my edgy, teenage self would adopt, but I guess I was wrong.