Some days I can't breathe My chest caves under the pressure The things I want The things I long for The things I can't reach Take my breath away
Some days I cry out But no one hears My muffled voice They prefer the sound of GurglingΒ Β Perfection
I think my (real) voice makes people uncomfortable
Some days I'm angry (Most days I'm angry) Because I'm trapped into silence And I don't trust My own existence
Some days I want to ***** up all the lies I've been told That I've told That make up this world I've created For myself
Expose it all For the crusty Musty Mess That it is
I'm sure none of us would look
We wouldn't see it for what it is Instead, we would mop it up and place it Neatly in the trash I would sanitize myself Once more With the hope of Some day finally becoming What they want
Maybe some day I'll find the courage To do it anyway