Like the world around me is live art. knows what to say. I love them so much. I'm a spectator of life. But not the people. Just him. Watch it put on a show Yell it louder so people can feel you. Who knew a high could ever "I'm happy just because." They don't feel so low and cold. have to be new and popular. Just Rivers in my throat, frightening popular because they're old. Yell it my insides. louder until my heart seams split people are talking levels outside *** *** *** *** *** me. Why do they talk? unnecessary marks on the paper because let only the drummer a-****- you were counting. I feel like they a-pum-pum. Let it out. should know. Ax me in half so a look at yourself from inside different part can move. Another ending. the levels. I'm not the yellow I can't handle these types of noises. man. Purple blob in the corner. Or writing between the lines. There's nothing Why did they skip that part? to hold that will let you hold still That part's all I look forward to How are people still thinking while I'm gone? Until the end. No one can ever