The first year you were always there You still are The second year you let me brake your stuff I don't usually do that anymore The third year you let me hide in closets and jump on your back Now apparently that's not acceptable in our society The fourth year you sent me to preschool and I begged you not to go Now I encourage you to go The fifth year I went to kindergarten and I got stung by a bee You still make me feel better The sixth year I wore a red dress and colored my arms at Christmas You Sparked my creativity My seventh year I thought I was goth you were the one that talked me out of it I've never been more thankful that you did My eighth year you scared me with stardust and comforted me Now I know I won't drown on land My ninth year you taught me how to ride a bike And dad made me bike into a car but you said he was stupid for letting me bike down that cursed mountain My tenth year you taught me how to use lipstick Now that I think about it I over used it My eleventh year you supported my hatred of jazz And helped me face Jesnel My twelfth year we kicked some yak *** together It was fun My thirteenth year isnt over yet but when it is I assume we'll have just as many laughs Even though I may be lazy,idiotic, and weird sometimes even mean I still love you I always will