Going back to the place of my early youth was a big mistake. Remembering the luscious meadows air so clean singing birds. Country lanes a small running stream sound of an engine of steam.
The thick dark smoke billowing behind through unspoilt land. Our heritage there for everybody to enjoy small villages and hamlets. Animals of all kinds living without threat no sounds of a passing jet!
Shocked at what I saw and what time had done no more the countryside. Where such beauty had been a trading estate the small town an urban mess. No trees the stream now under a motorway an unkempt park in which to play!
Traffic and fumes now filled my sad gaze as I compared my memories. And the happy days then safe to explore all of our natures graces. Standing on what was once a grass hillside now under houses this did hide!
This seems the way of life today!
The Foureyed Poet.
I was shocked to go back to the place of my youth and see what had happened to that beautiful place! The Foureyed Poet.