My never ending search for whatever this psychologically gout riddled rhyme stir to write (a poem) about found me figuratively staring at a theme without doubt devoid of any "FAKE"
trumping controversial clout, which subject came in route tummy mind questioned NOT explicitly broadcasting best related most definitely not apropos to flout the sensitivity and personal privacy respectfully tendered
obeyed, and invoked, not to tout yet an impression can nonetheless this versatile scout felt motivated be shared with you a general over view the therapist averred thru the title of this poem, she who doth "actively listen" pertaining,
asper emotional issues that stew within the psyche, thus appreciation as I gentile lee talked non Jew bull leant lee of foregone opportunities till rue men hating lost chunks of mine formative years
witnessed self deprivation (usurped, sponged, and bobbed entire memory queue) of ordinary healthy development of body, mind, and soul casting more'n fifty shades of a grayish hue
my psychological landscape, where at puberty - anorexia nervosa (minus bulimia squarely took root grew) wing essential nadir existence, thy emaciated condition drew, sans Matthew Scott Harris who recognizes aversion
to grow into manhood blew away so many necessary figurative stepping stones permanent stilted impact didst accrue, and merely hearing my recitation of plaintive glue me emotional reverberations, now overlain by many
a displeasing faux pas, and metaphorical boo boo actions as a father affecting mindscape of near grown daughters the "ear" of assigned therapist appreciation doth issue.