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Sep 2018
Written by Mauve Marini

I wish you didn’t saw me in that empty room
So maybe there’s no love that bloomed
I wish I wasn’t in that chair near that window
If only I knew

You said I wasn’t that pretty
Not that tall nor curvy
Just plain and pale as a paper
But you learn I’m a keeper

In my eyes, you looked deeper
Saw my sorrow and pain that sheltered
Saw the broken pieces
And you said you’ll fix it

Yes I wasn’t that gorgeous
Maybe that’s why I lose
But you said I was perfect
I just can’t see it

Your love came unforeseen
But I still let you in
Our altered world finally collide
Both can pass through in each other’s life

You get me out of someone’s maze
Cared, loved and cherished
I felt happiness at last!
But babe, it didn’t last

We’re just still on the way
But your love is slowly slipping away
I blindly-pretended everything’s fine
Just to keep our love on the line

You promised me
You’ll always be there for me
Not fast as lightning
But you’ll walk miles just to be with me

But babe, where are you now?
Will I still hold on to your vow?
Where are you when I needed you?
Of all people, why you?

I wish I am still the voice inside your head
The girl you will always dream
The one who always means to you
The inspiration you always turns to

But you changed
Seems like your love faded
You took me for granted
You left me feeling unwanted

I feel sorry for all the guys
Who lost a good girl
Because they weren’t mature enough
To keep her and treat her right

I may no longer your plain and pale as a paper
But I am still that clumsy-quiet-girl
Who's heart will always be yours
Written by
MauveMarini01  23/F/General Santos City
(23/F/General Santos City)   
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