I remember the little red airplane swing outside on the left side of the rickety old country farm house. You would push me really high when I was little girl after waiting all day with Pepper, the schnauzer. I remember stealing your kisses to my grandma and telling you she's all mine. I used to be too shy to say I love you, but my smile made you know that I did. You were everything to me. You were my dad. I loved you more than I let you know. We grew older, you way ahead of me...but we were still so close, always connected by souls. Life has a way to keep young ones so busy... You got sicker and sicker. I got used to it. I just never thought you'd be gone because a part of that child in me believed you were invincible. You were so strong. But..you're human. I love you, Larry Troy Kester. I'm too young to lose my dad... My grand dad... My dad.