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Sep 2018
To soar with eagles is a noble goal,
To run a marathon before getting too old.
To travel to lands and exotic places,
To observe new things and see new faces.

To travel to the moon or some other place,
To discover a new drug that will disease erase.
To write a book that is a national bestseller,
To be more than the β€œaverage feller”.

These are the dreams that many children have,
And hope that some day they will see.
These are the wishes many β€œold folks” have,
And wish that only they could be.

To the youngster with wide-eyed futuristic view,
Keep dreams alive and always pursue.
To the senior who thinks that too long he did wait,
Perhaps, even now it is not too late.

To set your sights on something not done,
To go where others are afraid to run.
To accomplish what some may have said you could not do,
Will bring much satisfaction to many besides you.
DrJames Martin
Written by
DrJames Martin  72/M
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