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Sep 2018
Retirement is a time in life
When one should experience ease.
There should not be the constant strife
Of having to everyone please.

Maybe it is time to write a book,
Or travel to a distant land.
Perhaps one’s desire is to learn to cook
That dish that’s wonderfully grand.

If one’s wish is a new hobby to start
That brings him much delight,
Begin this dream and don’t hastily depart.
Keep the desired goal in sight.

When one reminds you that it can’t be done,
That you have been too long in the race,
Show them anew how you can run.
Do not let them your joy erase.

Oh, there will be obstacles that is for sure.
These simply make victory more sweet.
So hang in there and long endure.
Remove from your mind defeat.

And then when the race has been run,
And the finish line finally crossed,
No more criticism will you have to shun,
Satisfaction will not have been lost.
DrJames Martin
Written by
DrJames Martin  72/M
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