apparently that's also me: outside the internet segment of my life...
although i'm glad that it's not everyday... birthday parties of 18 year old girls are............ exhausting...
no, really... when i left the party i left a girl standing in the door attempting to woo me in for the night... left lamenting asking people: do you know the direction to hell?!
****... people boast on the internet all the time... suntans, or some exotica from a holiday in Thailand... never a little piece of Piracy in terms of skin color from Hackney, east London...
i'm starting to contemplate one thing, and one thing alone... what would the demigod Narcissus make of a photograph, if a mirror was smashed? perhaps like any mortal... i abhorred and subsequently abhor watching video footage of myself...
i simply gather... Narcissus has no memory faculty... a photograph is a memory atom, a mirror is an object... and the visage reflected in it is also a memory, albeit passing... ergo fluid...
Narcissus can be Narcissus before a mirror, looking down on the still water of a lake... but sure as **** he doesn't have the ***** looking at a photograph... apparently Narcissus becomes Dorian... the imagination... stemming from **** ******* and blocking reproduction...
Narcissus could never peer and bind himself to a Gemini visage within the confines of the sea, or a river... hence? out of curiosity... what would Narcissus do... with a photograph?