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Sep 2018
i never thought this would happen,
but i'm thinking about
expanding the categories of
a thesaurus -
i.e. moving outside of a mere antonym /
synonym dynamic...
     i'm looking into a shared synonym-
misnomer dynamic -
basically looking for a stone to sharpen
a knife on...
   antonyms are clear enough:
good, evil,
           black, white...
    but i "fear" that synonym usage is
huddling together with synonym abuse:
in the form of misnomers...
    sure as **** there's a thick black line
running through all of this;
   so why are men deemed purely
visual creatures?
     i'm a man, but i'm not a visual creature,
some ****** oddity it would seem...
and now...
   the concept of the nomen in nomine
of ha shem has nothing to do with religion...
sure... it's a Jewish concept...
but this is not a religious concern
for gesticulation in repetition...
   not the sort of blow-job
   before the wailing wall standing up...
moving like some silly chess-pawn:
moved by the wind of the intellect...
    i'm serious in god, i just needed
the Latin geometry of the name - within
the name...
    hence?    nomen in nomine...
ha shem is the name...
          within it is the name YHWH...
oh **** yeah, i left Jesus on the cross on
Golgotha... dry ******* the stump
of wood carved to encompass a torture
             it was a said affair...
   when i heard Aramaic in the cinema
watching Mel Gibson's passion?
  i wept from beginning to end...
    no... really: i wept throughout the movie...
i'm a sucker for ancient tongues
and atmospheric music...
   esp. the music:
  i even bought the ******* score...
            i guess i'm not a man for being
the anti-thesis of core visual interests...
   skeletons, and sounds...
if only ******* could discover radio...
i'd ******* to the sound of a woman
   while looking at something far
more grander than
      a naked body which degrades
me to a status of a butcher dealing with
raw meat, power liver, chicken hearts,
you name...
   i'd prefer a "seance" listening to
a women during ***... while watching...
        a j. m. w. turner's
burning of the houses of lords and commons...
but more importantly:
         Diego Velázquez's toilet of venus
or that Agnolo Bronzino masterpiece...
i'm not a visual creature, as a man,
i'm primarily surrounding myself
by sounds...
     whenever i gave a woman an ******
i never trusted her...
  i was in perpetual doubt...
always with peering eyes,
i was looking at expressions of
             i guess a man can't lie when
drinking, as a woman can't lie during ***...
hence i concentrated on the Jewish
   concerning myself on
the nomen in nomine
            i.e. YHWH in HA SHEM...
i don't need a vision of god to go any further,
should any further be necessary...
which it isn't...
        but it's out of no religious fervor -
just a... linguistic curiosity,
exclusively bound to the English language...
  which could be deemed "strange",
but it isn't, that it came to the attention
of a ****** hunting down the Jews...
who are, currently, primarily in highest
concentrate, within the Anglo-sphere...
when something is glaring back at you:
with charcoal black eyes ready to become
   you can't miss it...
next time i walk into a Catholic church...
it will be to reinvigorate the medieval
tradition of having a castrato choir...
   with some random priest to begin with.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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