The wedding feast is readied. The giant tent firmly staked. The table overflows with the seven wonders of the palate. No one should be discontent.
Outside, the breeze stirs the dunes: a shape-shifting horizon seemingly too distant to matter.
All things well underway, the groom stands to deliver his speech, as the feast inexorably unfurls in the blazing afternoon. "Dearly beloved," he says. "This is the happiest day of my life...."
As he heads back to his bride, he feels a slight sting on his heel. One of those pesky flies, no doubt.
Seated, he again turns to his wife with yet another loving look, then collapses onto the table, clattering dishes and glasses.
Within an hour, he is dead. A slight breeze stirs the dunes. Beneath the table, a fat-tailed scorpion scurries toward the horizon.