Butterflies, how can butterfly? Do they have bread wings, and butter bodies? Or butter wings and bread bodies?
Do horse flies look like horses? Lewis Carol says that they look like rocking horses, with wings like dragonflies
That reminds me, What do dragonflies look like? Are they like little dragons with wings like flies? Or little flies with wings like dragons?
You know what dragons remind me of? Swirls, the way that dragons fly swooping, swirling, and curving. As they soar through the sky.
Soaring, Do you know what that reminds me of? Birds, All kinds of birds soar, but mostly birds of prey.
Pray, Do you know what that reminds me of? Jesus, Do you know why that reminds me of him? Because you're supposed to prey to him. Doesn't mean I do though.
Mean, You know what that reminds me of? Bullies, You know why that reminds me of bullies? Because bullies are mean, the push, and hit, and say mean things to little kids.