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Sep 2018
There is a tower in a field
A field in no mans land
Its a field of darkness, death, blood
A place where demons stand

But the tower is strong
standing in this field
Will minions all around
And all Evil it will wield

But in this tower
Up past all the steps
Is a small room
Containing the worlds depths

There is a mirror in this room
The room inside a tower
It a beautiful mirror, a reflection of glory
Yet it doesn't know The Sower

But here is a wanderer
A man who lost his cart
A man who made a long journey
So he could fall apart

He is lost and confused, hurt and sad
He doesn't know what to do
So all the demons all around chose to helo this man
They chose to bring him through

They help him
bring him across the field
They bring him to the tower
And they watch him drop his shield

He leaves everything
Continues on, up the stairs he goes
He enters the room, finds the mirror
And he sees what it shows

The whole world is there
The galaxy, the microbe
All in front of his eyes

The mirror shows him everything
The fish that swim
The bird that flies

He sees himself
A shining knight
How can this illusion be?
Its all too much how could any of these things be truly what he sees

But they are
They are the truth
Why can't he believe
That all he needs to do is go pick up his cart

The city is near
The greatness close
But the mirror shows it all
How could he be so small

He is a small part of this reality
Yet he has such a large impact
Yet he chooses not to act
Only to know all fact

The man then leaves
Knowing what he must do
Knowing the hardship and the pain
As his eyes are stained with blue

It was beauty
It was truth
Yet it was hidden and warped by Evil
He saw what he was, he saw who he is meant to be

He is meant to tell of what he saw
And show the meaning behind the cart
How empty it is to carry
If its not with a heavy heart

You must know the treasure you seek
The goal of what they city truly is
Because more often than not
Life won't give you a kiss

The city will be rubble
The glory in it gone
You'll look around in search
And see only a vanished song
Written by
CloudedVision  21/M/Minnesota
     CloudedVision and ---
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