oh i can tell you why Brexit happened... apparently in light of the European i was not European enough, a mongrel, a ******* Mongol... eastern Europeans are Mongols, mind you... i'm pretty sure the Brexit vote happened... because the A8 joined... when the Eatern European joined the old post-colonial powers... plenty of Pakistanis... do i mind? do i ******* care?! i don't care... you deal with: the minding! no... i have an inheritance tax without any ceremonial past... your **** is your ******* ****... plus the Arab, and the curry... *******! i'm no ******* vierte *****: *****-whip... you ******* yo-yo oreo! mind you? put me down on this one... i hate the Poles... i ******* hate the Poles... what they did to the Chernobyl me? i hate the Polacks... don't like them... i'd rather spit than talk to them... i've learned my lesson...
i hate them more than the Germans, or the Russians... i hate them with the sort of hatred reserved for patriots... Judas Priests... i abhor the ****** catholicism... it makes me... cringe... then i think: thickens the thong - better than the Islamic crap to mind making a boot...
Brexit only happened because of the supposed invasion of the A8... the Pakistani mobile gave off a jitter - somehow the "excess" Europeans migrated... whites combined with whites... Europeans mingled... big problem for the Pakistanis... Brexit only happened because "eastern" Europe joined the vierte *****... well... "joined"...
some of us had enough sense as to keep the currency... ******* Pakistani bullshitters... what?! i thought English girls loved being gang-****-******?! no?! my bad...
the joining of the A8 disrupted the presence of Britain in the EU... thumbs up on the curry-sauce... thumbs down on the Baltic sauerkraut.... guess what?! *******! you ******* British Empire bonkers... relief contra racism with an Empire disintegrating!
sure, beseech alliances outside of Europe... seek them, find them, govern them... the next time you come shoveling your **** into my: awareness... i'll be asking... so... Rotherham...
no, not really... don't bother me with that sort of ****... you deal with your *******... before shoving your ***** into my mouth expecting me to gargle on the produce...
you're closer to Pakistan than i am to Mongolia... you draw the the postcard... i'll draw the pretty picture.
don't get me wrong, thought, i hate the Polacks... i don't belong between them... i'd prefer to be strapped to a Hydra of homeless dogs... than exercise the humanity of a shared tongue with these... mongrels; mind you... the British are just as bad... when it comes to their, mongrel stature.