Alarming heart wrenching (stabbing non-abating with genuine appall ling brutality) zing across screen, or in print exacerbating forcing, imposing viewer, and/or reader to revisit
atavistic primal past activating 21st century **** sapien to experience (albeit vicariously) quotidian tragic news, which relentlessly doth wring realistic sadness, sans psychic sting eventually admitting figurative (sic) **** your hammer
blows deaden public emotional trust, thwarting the ability to feel, which subsequent empathy decreases to abba solute zero sensitivity, whereat comfortable numbskull state of mind turbo-charges,
quickens, and nudges callousness, via onslaught of killings, viz where plethora multi media platforms air (twenty four seven) (far more horrible, reprehensible, unconscionable, et cetera egregious violence -
splashed across front page, which grim stories lack shock value, and with flying blood red colors surpass fictionalized made for television macabre nuanced crime stories), way beyond the outer limits of the twilight zone of credulity
visa vis not even discoverable tapping into the unimaginable realm, where ***** deeds done dirt cheap by some contemptible person, who contemplates (premeditates) deliberately inflicting maximum human suffering
which ignominious atrocity (interestingly enough) affects a portion of the population to wring hands, while unbeknownst
non relations (i.e. strangers) fling arms around each other such as yours truly reckon eyes, the existence power of consolation despite the lack oven available antidote.