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Sep 2018
ha ha!
   a ha ha ha ha ha ha!
sorry... i sometimes
get the giggles...

you know that jeffrey dahmer

   ha ha ha ha!

i'm laughing,
because i'm authentically just curios...

who was the inspiration
for the film,
   Napoleon Dynamite?

ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

are, you, sure,
that Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't the muse
are you, sure?!
ha ha ha ha!
   doubt it...

    seriously doubt it...

what a "vague" similarity...
with a Jeffrey Dahmer...

**** it... let's go full **** -
ft. SHAGGY...
but... ha ha ha!
i love the fact that Napoleon
Dynamite was borrowed
from... ha ha!
ah ha ha ha!
   the Milwaukee cannibal!

please tell me
when Albert Fish pops up...
esp. with the scene of
injecting needles
into his groin
before sitting on the electric chair:
i'm guessing for the added
O in gasping for...
anything but air.

it's still sinking in...
it's nighttime and i'm...
seriously trying to avert laughing
how there's  connection...
reciprocal points
vested interest culminating in
pristine Abel...
and his shadow, Cain...

if Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't the inspiration
for Napoleon Dynamite?
then Pinocchio elongating nose...
wasn't the basis for a *****?!

i must always be wrong,
it would seem.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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