THEY ARE ONE SUN . You are the source of warmth and glorious light. The warmth and light are joined through splendid rays. You fill the space, and light the skies and moons. Without the three of you, no life we view.
The warmth is love that seethes in the heart. It yearns for something new, a work of art. What greater arts can be than man and life? They can satiate the heart of love and warmth.
The sun sends light to fill the universe so that the warmth of love can see and think. The wit of light can see to form a man and all the beasts and plants in that great plan.
The warmth and light can't move without the rays that can go far and reach the distant ways. The rays join warmth and light; the three belong to one gteat sun that lives to love not wrong. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ____________