Once upon a fairy time,
I was yours and you where mine,
Once upon a eerie time,
I was hurt and were fine,
Once upon a distant past,
I cried hard and you ran fast,
Once upon a nearer now,
Will I ever love again?
Today and how?
Once upon a then and there,
I believed in you and that you cared,
Once upon a here and now,
I want to love him but my heart knows not how,
Once upon a pain so gone,
You took my faith with all your wrong,
Once upon a love anew,
Is he true or another you?
Once upon a gone and done,
Your love so true our stories pun,
Once upon a stories beginning,
From him my hearts doorbell is ringing,
Once upon it all gone bad,
You left me broken, hurt and sad,
Once upon a day anew,
Could he be all thats true,
Once upon it all dead and gone,
Iām falling again after pain too long.