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Dec 2012
Tell me about yourself, don't feel shy.
I want to know everything about you.
You are like a mystery to me.
It's like I don't know you even when I know you.

Speak to me, don't be quiet.
I don't like the silence between us.
I speak to fill that silence.
But I don't want me filling that gap most of the time.

Talk to me, don't be afraid.
Trust me with anything.
I'll never let you down.

Share with me, don't feel insecure.
The fears you have.
The happiness you feel,
The sadness you have,
The worries and sorrows you have.
The deepest secrets you contain.

Talk to me about anything,
Share with me anything.
Things that matter, things that don't matter.

I promise I'll be there listening to you earnestly.
And no I'll not get bored,
I'll not think you're stupid.
I'll be there with you with all my attention.
Yes, I will understand.
Yes, I will care.

Even at times if you don't want to say anything,
If you just want to remain silent.
I'll still be there listening to your silence gladly.

I'll be there with you,
For you.
Written by
Mangesh Krishna  Lucknow, India
(Lucknow, India)   
   Victoria Jennings
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