m'ah... breath / consonant catcher... in this instance...
is it really lesion / lee-ßure and not lay-assurance, i.e. lay-sure? leisure, really? lesion, lee-ßure...
i almost forgot to figure this word out... that being said... i can't believe that i focused my ontological basis on the ground of etymology, rather than the Darwinism plot-line...
the prevalent word(s), and... this is really a poem about when i was laughed at during a coach trip to the swimming pool from St. Augustine's school for swimming lessons....
apparently the sports brand... in England... is pronounced Pjúm'ah... and not Púm'ah... Puma...
from there on in... pew m'ah... haunted it... when someone attempts to correct your pronunciation? your grammar?
hmm... you buckle down, and dig a trench; and ensure your tongue and fingers turn into a machine gun that ingests the dropping bodies as fertilizers for the come: poppies and beetroots.