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Sep 2018
Love is like a dream
A dream is something everyone wants to have
A dream is sweeter than any candy and is the thing that makes life complete
Love is like a dream because love is only for those who fight to hold on to it, and for the strong who can hold on.

Love is like candy
Candy can be bitter or sweet, satisfying or disgusting.
Candy comes in so many shapes and flavors, it seems almost anyone can find one.
Love is like candy because it is something that you have to be kind to have, or just one with deep pockets.

Love is like pain
Pain is a pleasure for some, a hassle for others, but still needed regardless
Pain is something that you may hold onto forever in your heart, or to strengthen your shell.
Love is like Pain because it is in some lives lightly and deeper in others.Everyone has some, but only some have it in its truest form.

Love is like Sadness
Sadness comes out of nowhere and hits like a tank
Sadness is something that may stay forever or just for a while
Love is like Sadness, because both are needed, but neither are deserved.
Just more school poems, getting them out of the way now, probably gonna write an original later
Written by
Evan  18/M/NC
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