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Sep 2018
My eyes met with yours
in gaze led across the room.
As I slowly fell into their radiating golden light, I got lost.
I saw a cottage made of stone and wood.
Surrounded by waltzing wildflowers and tall leaning oak trees.
The mountains perched behind us while clouds of cotton rested in the sky.
There were kin playing in the fields of rich green grass beside us;
chasing the faires, and fighting the dragons of their fantasties.
And then there were we;
old fingers intertwined into old hands, and wrinkled cheeks from smiling.
We rocked back, and forth, back, and forth, back, and forth.
I looked up at your gracious eyes, and you whispered to me
in a voice as sweet as honey,
"Now I don't remeber much spanish, but Thank you mi amore,"
as you planted a kiss on my cheek.
I blushed in shades of rose as I smiled and whispered back,
"Te amo."
And as those two words slipped from my lips,
in the blink of an eye,
from the chime of a bell,
We were back.
I was carrying my books
heading out of the Spanish classroom.
Our eyes still sewn together by the thread of fate,
you smiled.
I smiled back.
And that is when I knew you were the one.
Written by
Celestite  14/F/somewhere lmao idk
(14/F/somewhere lmao idk)   
     Jesse stillwater
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