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Sep 2018
oh sure, sure, sure...
when all the nurses
want to sing
on X-factor...
   when karaoke ambitions
takes over
nursing, now,
active ingredients
of a nuclear fall-out..
sure... medical health-care
is bad...
as long as a fetish
for X-factor
  karaoke singing
contests is
legitimately good...
        oh sorry...
you thought yourself
to be, so good,
as to bypass oligarchical
cloning devices?
sorry, what?!
  the day is here,
when people rather sing,
as a cure, like some
voodoo doctor...
      than attempt the menial
task of "incriminating"
in the prospect of nursing...
but hell...
karaoke machine saves
          nobility, purpose...
dies a perpetuated spiral
sentence of...
death... layer... by layer,
by layer...
  hell... but at least we can
kumbaya ourselves toward
that, that...
eternal, sleep, known as dearth;
nothing wrong with
social care...
  but there is...
something wrong with making
priors to:
               it's like people known
how to enforce the queue...
       apparently the
neuspeziell ist hier!
           i'm so lucky to have these
special people with their
private medical...
  so lucky...
     so lucky...
     it's almost like i need them
like i might need a plumber...
people who don't know how
to stand in a queue...
            but it's nice...
Gorbachev approved
testimony of curing his wife
of cancer...
               who the **** becomes
sick on a Sunday?
    why be such a *****,
why not pull-tough-pull-through?
oh... right... we're talking
about a civilized people,
who have allergies...
nuts, berries, gluten...
           biologically weakling
excerpts of humanity...
           no wonder they are prone
to quickened medical
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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