A prison planet veiled by an electromagnetic net, Inducing amnesia, erasing past lives, millennia of experiences and replaces the mind with robotic self destructing thoughts built to keep the slave system ever going Encaging souls to never be free from this biological prison Shells recycling through, now the idea of reincarnation finally is put into clear view Born again to lie wait in the hellish purgatory asked to enter the light The light is the trap The light is what brings you back to the Earth, the dumping ground for untouchable souls. For souls always slaving for eternity. Then what is the way out, The way out is where? Where is that we belong? Why are the questions too unreachable? And when I float on, Will I be erased again and placed back into the stream, the norm, the low class untouchables? Is there no way to be truly free, to travel the universes without the fear of capture. I am at ends looking for the start but where the start begins is something I truly do not understand