I don't read your stuff, Jack I read only the colors of the wind Sensation is nauseating to me Or maybe I am just jealous
Maybe I am avoiding the heavy envy in my stomach That I feel when I watch you perform And the alienated feeling I get When I talk to someone so cultured and informed
And they'll eye me sourly like an ugly beast They'll look down on me for my ignorance and raw emotion
I just watch these dumb videos I **** myself by killing time I avoid without understanding why
Beautiful things happen in my life And i don't tell anyone about them.
A leaf blew across my backyard And got stuck on the trunk of a maple tree.
You will die too, and so I feel alright. I just get so sick of myself sometimes.
And someone this boyish can not age too well, And you don't send an honest artist to jail like that, You just don't.